
Upholstering A Chair

Installing Floating Floors

Lightning McQueen/ Angry Birds Birthday Cake

Table Redo


  1. Melanie, how did I not know this was your blog when I first looked at it? I swear I did not see any pictures of your family, I don't know. But I feel bad because I remember getting an email from you- not knowing it was you- about the red paint, and I replied. I went downstairs, got the paint sample card and gave you the info. So sorry. But, I think your table and chairs look great!!! I am also pretty new at doing this stuff. It takes a lot of time because I love doing it and I can't stop! That's so cool that you get to start from scratch with your new home. I am kind of tired of some of the things in my home. Travis said you want pictures of the red in our house. I will get that to you... Have you heard of the SNAP conference? I am tempted to pay the $175 and go, but then I think maybe it's silly for me to spend that much on something I don't know that I will stick with and be good at. I'm sure you've heard of it if you follow Vintage Revivals. Good luck with your projects. Now I know this is you, I will check in a lot more. And now I am following you! Thanks for looking at my blog!

  2. Trisha, yes I have heard of the SNAP conference, and I would love to go, but first of all I live in Columbus Ohio so it would cost a lot of money. I feel the same way, I don't think I can shell out $175 for a conference that I have never been to, I would hate to spend that money and then feel like it was a waste of money. Darn it, if my husband could just hurry up with his residency then I could afford these things ha ha. I would have never known that you are new at this stuff, your benches look awesome and your fabrics. I have a hard time finding affordable fabrics that are cute.


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